Monday, 10 August 2009,
Can I rant? Oh well, since it's my blog anyway...
Okay. That's why blogging is so nice- you get to do whatever you can't possibly to in real life. Yes, if I start going 'aah' this and 'aah' that in real life, I would be asking for an hour's worth of 'useful' how-not-to-panic-over-silly-idiotic-exams talks. Argh. I wonder, fifty years from now, will students be staying up late to mug and ranting on blogs about impending exams? Or will blogs even exist? Maybe the kids then will be pampered with some other weird tech gadget... o.o Oh well. Nonsense, go away. SHOO SHOO. There.
Can I also declare that I have nothing to say again and I don't know why I'm writing? Argh. I applaud those people who can post for ages and ages on their blogs. I think I used to(on my old joint blog). So is life getting boring or am I getting boring? I really hope it's not the second option. Then again, I hardly do anything nowadays. I miss primary school. STILL. Aah, it's so hard to adapt to all of this. And when I'm posting this, I keep thinking of what my mum(and a whole lot of other random people) keep trying to tell me- don't complain because it's irritating and DO SOMETHING! But what is that something? I don't know, that's the problem. My brain is on major shutdown today and I think I'm going to forget all I've studied. I'm waking up 4 hours later. It'll all be over in 10 hours. I'd better go study some more now. I have no idea why I keep a blog. AAAAAH. D:
Oh well, goodbye. Next time, I shall come out with something random. Then I don't have to bore you with the same thoughts about life and school and vice versa all over again. Whee.
P.S: I changed my blog song! The first two and the last songs are new. I LOVE MY NEW STARTING SONG! SAIUNKOKU MONOGATARI IS AWESOME. Thanks to some guy on a random videosite who was ranting about it. Ohohohoho.