My Mind's Labyrinth. image
Wednesday, 22 July 2009,

Today I just realised how idiotic my blog really is. I rarely post, and nowadays it's mostly about serious stuff instead of life itself. Compared to other more lighthearted, cheery blogs, I wouldn't recommend this for a good read after, say, a hectic day at school. I'm horrible at writing 'feel-good' stuff, really. So if this blog's boring, just say so and I'll see if I can move my ramblings to my diary(which is scarier than my blog).

Anyway, I shall make an effort to POST MORE! Yay. About that 'interesting thing' in the last post, it was mainly just the RGPS choir concert which was really awesome and we got to see some teachers(MDMLOE AHEM) sing and dance! :D And of course I was going to insert this mushy chunk about missing Primary School again, but oh well. It's not very interesting to write(or type) about something so long ago, so I guess I'll leave it at this.

Of course, my life's been a little less mundane lately. I went to watch Half-Blood Prince with Marianne on the Friday of the week it opened. I'll just say it beat OOTP, which was a total ripoff as Umbridge looked nice and fluffy and sweet, which is not one bit TOADLIKE. -.- And the only nice part in OOTP was the fireworks when Fred and George crashed in. For HBP, so as not to spoil all the fun for you, I'll just say it's awesome for non-HP fans(just HP moviegoers, even) but if you've read the book, you'll wish there was more action and less icky-mushy love bits that look like they're there for viewer pleasure.

And then there was today in school, which was one of the rare days I slept at 11 and felt a lots less tired than usual(no homework)! So I decided to pay attention in class and asked questions in Chem like I used to in primary school but for some reason, lots of people thought it was funny. o.o But even Horrible Science books use the word 'sucker'! :O Stupid swear words and urban talk- rapidly distorting all of English so that we can't keep up with it. Last week, I said 'how queer' at something someone did and I was told that queer means gay nowadays and gay no longer means happy. I know, evolution and changes and all that stuff, but I bet it wasn't that horrible and fast in the past- new words were being CREATED, not old ones distorted!

I can't say whether I love or hate human nature- the greed, power-hungriness, corruption, material wants or the love, care, concern and forgiving spirit. But much as I may want to criticise anyone or myself, we're all here for a reason, right? So humans can't be all that bad inside- even if they appear to be so.

ARGH I HATE ENDING BLOG POSTS! WHAT TO WRITE? :O Oh well. Until tomorrow, then!


Thursday, 9 July 2009,

Just reminding myself that my blog's not dead. Sorry, I'll not post anything unless it deserves to be posted. I think it's high time my skin changed and my links updated, but I'll do that(and post) tomorrow because I knwo something interesting WILL happen. :] G'night now while I go freak out over gym routine and tingxie. XD


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