My Mind's Labyrinth. image
Friday, 28 November 2008,

Okay, I'm back again just because I feel like posting something on this blog... Ingenious, eh? Heh, thank you, thank you. :D

Anyway, these few days I've still been mucking around and doing nothing and more nothing. Except choir practice, of course. Oh yeah, we're performing at the Esplanade Concourse on 9th December, 7-9 pm. So you must come and support us, okay? Me and Wenxin. Hehe. (HA WENXIN I TOLD YOU I WOULD SAY THAT, YOU STILL DON'T BELIEVE)

Here's something totally random to keep you entertained, in case you happen to be browsing though this utterly pointless blog. Wait, that was nonsense because if you weren't browsing, you wouldn't be reading this. So forget that. Ehehe. In case you were wondering, however, they're just a few harmless brainteasers. Spill your brains out, er, I mean rack your brains. Whatever.

The Man in the Elevator
A man lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and leaves the building. In the evening, he gets into the elevator, and, if there is someone else in the elevator - or if it was raining that day - he goes back to his floor directly. Otherwise, he goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to his apartment. How come?

Sheikh's Heritage
An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advice. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast as they can to the city.
What does the wise man say?

Philosopher's Clock
This is an old logic puzzle. One philosopher had a clock, which he had forgotten to wind up. He had no other clock, watch, radio, TV, phone or any other device telling the time. So when his clock stopped he went to a friend (road from one house to another is flat plane only), stayed there the whole night and when he came home, he knew the right time.
How could he know?

This is a logic puzzle published in Martin Gardner's column in the Scientific American.
You are in a room where there are no metal objects except for two iron rods. Only one of them is a magnet.
How can you identify this magnet?

And if you're still here, I admire your perseverance. Answers here~! Don't cheat, okay?

The Man in the Elevator - solution
The man is a of short stature. He can't reach the upper elevator buttons, but he can ask people to push them for him. He can also push them with his umbrella.

Sheikh’s Heritage - solution
The wise man told them to switch camels.

Note: This one's a bit hard to understand, so here's a more precise explanation. If the brothers switch camels, they should go as fast as they can because if one of them is the fastest, his camel still belongs to the other one so he wins because his brother's camel is faster and therefore his is slower.

The Philosopher's Clock - solution

He set his clock to noon (midnight) when he left for his friend's house. When he arrived at his friend's house, he noted the exact time. He then spent the night there.

He left his friend's house exactly 12 hours later than he arrived, and he traveled at the exact same speed in both directions. This way, when he arrived home, his clock read 12:00 plus TWICE the time it took to walk to (or from) his friend's house. This way, he knew exactly how long it took him to walk one way.

He simply added this time to the current time on his friend's clock, and he had the correct time on his clock.

Magnet - solution
You can hang the iron rods on a string and watch which one turns to the north (or hang just one rod).
Gardner gives one more solution: take one rod and touch with its end the middle of the second rod. If they get closer, then you have a magnet in your hand.
The real magnet will have a magnetic field at its poles, but not at its center. So as previously mentioned, if you take the iron bar and touch its tip to the magnet's center, the iron bar will not be attracted. This is assuming that the magnet's poles are at its ends. If the poles run through the length of the magnet, then it would be much harder to use this method.
In that case, rotate one rod around its axis while holding an end of the other to its middle. If the rotating rod is the magnet, the force will fluctuate as the rod rotates. If the rotating rod is not magnetic, the force is constant (provided you can keep their positions steady).

Brainteasers amuse me, but they make my brain hurt. Ouch. That'll be all until I find some more postworthy nonsense. Yes, I know 'postworthy' is not a word. It's those brainteasers, I tell you!


Thursday, 27 November 2008,

I'm back with more randomness, stupidity or just something mundane. ARGH, holidays are killing me. KILLING ME! Everyday, all I do is sit down, go online, sleep, watch television and then start all over again... Gahh. It's so boring that I have nothing to post about on this blog, so I guess from now on I'll be just...posting out-of-point stuff. Whee. I can't wait for school to start next year before boredom takes its toll and I become a couch potato FOR REAL! NUUUUUUUU! *gulps* Ah well, time for something utterly pointless which I just decided to do because I'm so bored. Here goes...


Tagged by Melmel, my good friend from P3 who thinks GEPers are freaks. Ehehe. :D

1) I like J-pop singers, especially female singers over the age of 25.

Yes, I know this is utterly weird, but oh well. Examples are:

Utada Hikaru(Hikki)
Mika Nakashima
Namie Amuro
Angela Aki

My tiny list shows I hardly listen to music. Hehe.

2) I detest bittergourd.

Ever since I ate it when I was five and it happened that the next day I got a fever and had to skip school... Yes, I was STILL as paranoid about skipping school because home was as boring then. Ever since, it's become... a phobia. O.o

3) I love my chinchilla, Momo.

She's so utterly cute that I feel like squishing her. :D She's my second pet since this year when my terrapin, Titi, was brought to Chinese Gardens to be let free in the terrapin exhibit place because she was getting restless and too big for her tank... Luckily she managed to fit in there and we still go to see her sometimes. Momo was Percia's birthday present. For those who are wondering, Percia's my incredibly bratty(sometimes nice) younger sis.

4) I have triskaidekaphobia.

If it's Friday the thirteenth, I get extremely paranoid. Yes, I'm afraid of everything to do with the number 13. Mainly because last time it was Friday the thirteenth, MDM LOE CALLED MY PARENTS! Eep. >.<

5) I love long words.

Just look at my last pointer. I can't deny that I'm sesquipedalian. :D

6) I tend to procrastinate.

I started this list at 7.30, and now it's 8.30.

7) I hate dead things.

Show me a dead ant and I'd scream like anything, yet I wouldn't be afraid to touch a live spider. Trust me, not wanting to kill any insects is not just out of pure kindness and compassion. I'm not THAT magnanimous.

8) I get a 'big sister' instinct whenever I'm around people who are shorter than me/younger than me.

Maybe it's all Percia's fault, but that's exactly why I liked doing the SL facilitators thing so much. They were all so cute... :D

9) I laugh randomly.

Last time we were watching a movie as a family (Prince Caspian), I burst out laughing at this scene where they were fighting the battle. And I could swear at least six people started looking at me like I was a psycho. Except my family, who's already used to it.

10) I hate goodbyes.

Because sometimes I get so weirdly emotional that I can't believe myself, like the last official day of school and the last official day of KINDERGARTEN. Ack.

Alright, I tag the next ten people(other than myself and Melmel) who post in my tagboard.

That's all for today, folks! Now let me sit back on my couch. Ahh.


Sunday, 23 November 2008,

I can't believe I haven't posted for 10 days in a row. Wow. Don't die, my dear blog! *sob sob* Okay, I know you must be thinking 'Riiiight. Is she crazy or what?' But I am, you see. That's the whole point. To annoy you.

Okay, forget the top part... I'm just very in the mood for babbling nonsense, but my mum has to give me 'five minutes to blog and no more'. Jeez. So this is basically just to break two pieces of news to whatever, whoever and wherever. Yes. You could be some sort of alien life-form for all I care, hehe. Firstly, PSLE results. Yay about that one, I got uber-low but still great for MY standards. I've never been a performer, as you may already know. 267... I actually beat my Prelim marks by 2. AND got A* for Maths and Science! All except silly Chinese, which I think I must've failed badly because I got only A. Siiiigh. Ah well, I guess 267 is good enough to go to RGS or Nanyang, which takes a really big load off my back because this means I don't have to choose another school just because I can't get into the school of my choice! Yes! I guess last-minute mugging helps at least a little, eh? Nobody's perfect, as I always say. If you're nobody, you're perfect so a very big congratulations to you! Overused corny joke-phrase, I know. Making corny jokes is my forte.

Anyway, second piece of news I have: I'm going to RGS after all! YAY! After hours of persuasion and countless sleepless nights, this is the fruit of my labour. To put it in a more dramatic way. Yes people, you don't have me off your backs yet. So go cry in a corner or rejoice, whatever suits you best. Heehee.

That's all for today before I come to an abrupt END.


Friday, 14 November 2008,

Today is Speech Day, but I bet you already knew that. Anyway, all I did in the morning was let Megan, Kimberly, Leanne and Renee(YES! FINALLY!) sign my yearbook. And then I found out I was supposed to assemble downstairs, whoops. Silly me. I'm a prizewinner again, blah blah. That's just because my first half of the year's results were so rotten that I got Best Progress. O.o And so Yan Tong, Sabrina, Tan Rong, Sristi, Crystal and Heng Hwee signed. Oh, and Wenxin FINALLY finished signing my yearbook, thus relieving me of the huge stress of asking her. YAY. I had to go get my prize a while later, or to be truthful a LONG time because of the terrible wait. It was like reliving Grad Day Ceremony or something, sigh. So after waiting and waiting and waiting and... you get it, It was finally my turn. Then my cute little sis Percia arrived with my parents and they started taking a bazillion photos of me. Ouch, flash. Glare glare. Hehe.

So when it was my turn to get the prize, Mrs. Chin was there, flashing her 100-watt smile. I freaked, of course. Thank goodness I had enough breath left in me to return a GL smile. Yay. So going on stage was fine, and that Gretchen Liu person, the Caucasian author said 'congratulations' and I said 'thank you'. How cliche, I know. However, I think I tripped on the way down, by accident of course. Fortunately, I managed to hurry off in time to wait for Tan Rong because she, uh, told me to. So obliging, right? Haha. After that prize-receiving of a 12-dollar Borders voucher, I had to dash off for Choir practice at once. I shall not go into detail, but apart from a lot of hugging the P5 juniors and Mr. Goh's interestingly weird rendition of 'Prima Donna'(Carlotta, POTO!), it was time to go on stage. A lot of mixed nervousness and excitement equates to a not very good performance, and that was what we gave. Sigh, a far cry from SYF standards.

After the whole thing was over, we made our way to the canteen to eat hot dogs before proceeding reception where I met my mum again, gorging on a lot of food, glorious food. Apparently the thing was only for prizewinners, but we loved bending the rules so we dug in. Nice spread, haha. And so we saw the teachers chatting animatedly at one corner and went to ambush them. More like Zhang Lao Shi ambushed me, actually. And said some things that will haunt my memory forever. In other words, extreme mushiness. So don't ask. We also saw Lin Lao Shi there, and I got to hear the wonderful news that the new school she's teaching at is Beacon Primary, a stone's throw away from my home. Interesting, whee! So we finally got her to sign yearbooks, and I also got Ms. Ker's signature. I know I don't know her but who cares? I was then greeted by a poke on the shoulder and discovered that it was Miss Tang! Yay. Then Aaheli and I got all emotional again and started hugging everyone, including that senior, Alethea. And I hugged Miss Tang around three times, for some reason. And Zhang Lao Shi started saying I must be fair to everyone, so I had to hug her thrice too. Scandalous. Heehee.

Anyway, after that followed a raid of the staffroom again, where another chorus of hugs was carried out. Okay, actually only Miss Chan(choir teacher) and Mrs Lee, but whoever wants to hug Mr Tan and dares to hug Mdm Loe, anyway? So I finally mustered up enough courage to go ask Mdm loe for a signature, and for once she didn't mind me jumping up and down. Yay, miracles happen after all. We also stole the other half of Miss Lui's Coke. So Mrs Lee signed and wrote something a bit unflattering but still nice after all, and we had a long chat about 'girl girls'. Haha, typical of her. And then the teachers said they had to go to a meeting so we left them alone at last, making our way to the library because Mrs Chin had said she needed help with the books for the RGPS Carnival.

What followed the rest of that day was basically lugging a lot and a lot of heavy books to Class 1E for five hours, and the teachers joined in halfway. They said we were so kind to help, but in my opinion it's because I was bored. I'm always bored, I know. This is what restlessness and PSLE stress does: I now always feel I have something to accomplish. So productivity is better than plain nothing... Anyway, after that I went home with Ka Ying on the public bus. And discussed the prospects of the countdown/Christmas party. YOU PEOPLE MUST COME, OKAY!

Long day, my legs hurt but at least I know I've done something good.

P.S: Oh, the books have to be moved to 1A because they managed to get a better room. Aw crap. I can't leave all the work to them so I guess I'm going to school at seven tomorrow. Wish me good luck. Rather, us.


Thursday, 13 November 2008,

When can I stop being so melancholy or emotional, I do not know. It feels like it's the end or something but I know that's just pure over-imagination on my part. I can't stop thinking about PSLE results and imagining the worst too. Gosh, am I a gloomy idiot or what? My parents are still drilling it in that I'll get 275 but all I can think is: What if I don't?

I know, really surprising since I'm supposed to be those sort of slacker type who doesn't study and all that. But if I don't do well, I won't even get to go to Nanyang or RGS. AND my parents will start ranting about how they spent so much money on my education... I need to start studying for A levels, I know. I already did but only for English, haha. It's so difficult already... I bet Secondary One will bed a HUGE challenge for me, more so as I might go to Nanyang. I heard that the study environment there is very competitive and all that. Oh crap.

More about today then, and enough of my rambling on and on about personal insecurities. I don't want to relive my fears over and over again everytime I read this post in future, you know. Anyway, today was Miss Tan's farewell party, starting 10. 30. Before that, it was just a run-through of all the songs we were going to sing and of course, the GEP P6 party with SO MUCH JUNK FOOD. I know I'm fat so shut the heck up, stupid inner conscience. Hehe. I brought Lays chips and Coke! How cliche, because I think we had at least 6 bottles or Coke and 4 packets of LAYS and RUFFLES chips. Not that they aren't welcome, of course. I loved the brownies and muffins some random person made, of course. She has to teach me, though how I will learn I do not know. I'm not exactly... domestically inclined, if you get what I mean, ahem ahem. The party was fun, with the added gatecrashing of a few teachers. Okay, not a few but many. And boy was I thankful I'd brought my yearbook down. I think I must've collected more than thirty siggies today, YAY!

So naturally, I got everyone to sign it. Even Mrs. Chin, though somehow she isn't that scary anymore. It's a wonder what the realisation that there isn't much time left for anything does to you. I was practically jumping up and down maniacally. "SIGN MY YEARBOOK!" Hehe. Quote Aaheli: "That's your catch phrase". Riiiight. Though maybe I'm just a silly hypocrite. Anyway, I managed to get Miss Lim, Mdm Lim and Mrs. Chin before trying to 'force' Miss Tang to go and pass it to the other teachers. The yearbook, of course. She told me to follow her to the staffroom, and in the end it wasn't just me but a lot of other people too. Oh well, the more the merrier!

So when we were walking to the staffroom, we started mentioning about the possibilities of holding a Christmas party/countdown party or BOTH, and Miss Tang said she'd come too. Anyone interested? The whole GEP will probably be invited though, if i even solidise the plan. Hehe. And so when we got to the staffroom, we made a sort of aisle thing so that every GEP teacher who walks out will be captured, tortured and mangled by us unless they sign the yearbooks. Fun, eh? Okay, not literally but I think you're definitely smart enough to notice, haha. So we got hold of Hong Lao Shi, Miss Poon, Miss Lui, Mrs Sng and Mr Tan. The only person whom I didn't have a chance to let sign is the (not)wonderful Hobbit. Mr Tan, of course. Hong Lao Shi wrote that same phrase for everyone: 'xue hai wu ya, wei qin shi an'. I remember that all too clearly, that's the one I kept forgetting how to write in P4. After collecting all the signatures, it was time to go downstairs and that's what we did of course.

And so Miss Tan was welcomed with a big fanfare, cheers and screams. For once, she didn't mind noise. Ooh, scandalous! Scratch that part. Blegh. And so after that, we went up to the hall to go and do the singing and concert for her. I had to leave at eleven-thirty for choir, though. So no concert to watch except for that funny half-skit and the band performance. Oh, and we saw Miss Tan's sisters. They looked like those typical rich ladies, those high society ones that go to posh clubs. Ooh.

By the time I came back from choir, the entire thing was ending already so we just sand a last song for her before bidding her farewell. Then the teacher had to say something about saying goodbye to all the P6s. That was when I HAD to get all suddenly emotional and start crying for no rhyme or reason... Before hugging a lot of people and wetting their uniforms, whoops. Luckily Mikoo helped to hide me long enough to let me wipe my grimy face clean before Mdm Loe saw or something. I guess I won't EVER muster the courage to let her sign my yearbook, huh. After that, it was time to go back to class and go home. A lot of hugs and good-byes later, Hobee, Aaheli and I started looking for random people to hug. First we squished Miss Lim, then Miss Lui. I think I was a bit too aggressive, though. Whoops again. Then this Katrina person, a junior, had to come up and hug me and say she'd miss me. I started crying again in front of everyone. Eek. Including Miss Lui, who looked more than a bit surprised. And then we started walking down the stairs where Hobee commented, "You need chocolate". I started laughing a little and yes, I think I needeed it. Haha.

So that's the last day of proper school for everyone. Have a really nice time in RGS, majority of you. And if you aren't, good luck fitting in or just adapting to the new school. I'll never forget anyone. BECAUSE. I have a good memory when I want to. And don't kill me if I start squishing everyone next year and saying a lot of ahem-ish stuff. I can get really weird sometimes...


Tuesday, 11 November 2008,

I'm extremely bored, I can't get to sleep and I don't think I'll wake up on time tomorrow. Gosh.

Choir practices are uber-irritating when they take up so much time and there's no time to get people to sign yearbooks. SIGH.

Oh, and just a random fact, Janelle's birthday is tomorrow! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRONGSIE~!

And here I take my leave. How utterly pointless. WHEE~!


Saturday, 8 November 2008,

Today was Graduation Day. How sad... I'm just going to put a few pics here, I need to work on NaNoWriMo so no blogging long posts as usual, sorry. Here they are. I just think I'll miss RGPS so much... I think I wasted too much time crying already at home. Don't know why I'm excessively sentimental, but oh well. At least mostly everyone else can just go to RGS and see each other there. Lucky people. Sigh.

Me, Mikoo, Dolly, Marianne. With our certificates, taken by my wonderful(or not so wonderful) parents.

At lunchtime, Alicia, Me, Mikoo and Marianne went out for a 'short trip' which was my very first time going out with friends. Though we swore not to spend anything, we actually spent $13 in all on lunch, haha. This is the Christmas tree we saw at Takashimaya. Mikoo's posing! By the way, we visited Marianne's parents at their clinic before going to Taka.

Close-up... Surprise! SO CUTE! ~<3

GROUP PIC~! Smiling people. YAY.

Mikoo, Me, Alicia, Dolly, Jojo, Marianne. The weirdos. Heehee.

The teachers. Mdm Lim and Mrs Chong with their extremely conformist(but nice) smile, Zhang Lao Shi with her wonderfully weird funny face. Ooh.

Miss Tan and her motorcycle. ^^ Only managed a back shot, though. SIGH.

Dolly, Prongsie, Hobee, Helium, Renee, Me. The Marauders, unoff. and off. plus one random person. You've got to love us.

I feel extremely sad or something. Stupid, I know. But I can't stop thinking about the horribly bleak future that lies ahead, especially PSLE results. GULP.

Ending off with a nice video, a sad one but my favouritestestestest song ever, Yuki no Hana. The one that's playing first on my blog. <3

People, please spam my Cbox often in the future or I'll be lonely. Okay, what I mean is that I'll get bored. Sigh.


Wednesday, 5 November 2008,

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Its objective is basically for participants to write a 50, 000 word novel in thirty days. This movement for this year started on 1st November and will end on 30th November. It's meant for 13 year-olds and above, but who says we can't bend the rules? I'm participating, of course. And so are a few others, etc. Hope, Aaheli, Wenxin, Crystal. You can participate too, it's not too late! Just go to the website. Give us some support, will you?

Sorry for the short post. It's writing time for me if I want to hit my one chapter goal.


Tuesday, 4 November 2008,

Today was the IMAX Movie excursion. My partner was Pinky Princess Jenna, aka. Mikoo or Michelle Khoo for those who STILL don't know who I'm referring to. I wore my nice velvety black jacket to school because it was so cold in the morning. Besides, I thought I'd need it in the theatre later on. After that, in the canteen, I was getting rather hot and flustered but I had no space to store it in my bag. Hmph. And so I just wore it, for what else could I do? Mikoo wanted to be boring and sit down 'quietly and nicely', but I think that's because she wanted to read that book that Wan Qin lent her. The Wolf Brother sequel, or the fifth book in that series to be accurate. The green one. Speaking of books, Marianne is currently hogging my 'Chosen' book. Third person... Fortunately, the other two books in that series are safely in my bag now, albeit more than a little tattered. I swear I will never show anyone a book that seems to be interesting that I HAVE anymore, at least not for a long time. Eek.

Anyway, Mikoo got sort of offended that I said she was a boring person even though I was merely kidding, and we got into a little argument. Me and my stupidly big mouth must learn to shut up sometimes. Fortunately, it all got worked out in less than five minutes, phew. Then of course, the bus came. I know, epic news. We sat on the second row and basically chatted about very forgettable stuff along the journey. By that I mean I forgot everything we chatted about. EVERYTHING. PSLE rotted my memory very badly, sigh. And then before I noticed it, we were all at the Science Centre! It looked sort of weird, maybe because it was renovated or something. All purplish? If I remember correctly, that is. And then Mdm Loe said we were eating at McDonalds which made me nearly scream because I have ten dollars worth of unused McDonalds gift vouchers(that means free food, not discount) which expire next March... Gah. I shall not go into unnecessary details about how we got off the bus and walked and all that rubbish but basically we ended up in McDonalds. Mikoo didn't know what she'd like so I chose the Wasabi Fillet-o-Fish burger meal to share(we weren't that hungry) and how disappointing, no fries at morning time. So all we got was a stupid hashbrown. They should have given two. Equivalent exchange. Tut tut. Moments after that, we saw that Jolene's table had only one free seat because Alicia took a seat after Jolene let us sit there. To be honest, I was sort of glad because I'm crowd-shy. No, really. I prefer nice groups of five maximum, haha. Including us, that would be seven. Aaheli's favourite number. Okay, forget I said that.

Just a while later, I found out that Mikoo doesn't really like Wasabi because it's spicy and goes up her nose. I like that, actually. Plus the fact that it's supposed to be healthy. So she ate a third of the burger and in return I ate a third of the hashbrown and drank a little less Coke Light. Why Light, you ask? Because I wanted to find out how it tasted, haha. Pointless. I then committed the horrible sin of hypocrisy by saying the 'stupid' hashbrown was kind of nice. But I let Mikoo have her wonderful breakfast because I was so kind, instead of plundering it from her. We finished really quickly with fifty minutes to spare so we went to visit the nice garden-y place. Whatever you call it. Oh, I saw that stream thing again, the one people keep trying to jump across. I can't do it and never will because I'm afraid of wetting my pinafore. Lame excuse, but I can't think of anything else. Haha. So after playing there and getting dizzy and half-dead from the spinning wheel thing(and the crowd, GAH) and showing more than some people where the toilet was, fifty minutes passed and it was movie time. Yay.

Call it deliberate arrangement or coincidence, but for some reason Mikoo, Hope, Aaheli and me ended up beside each other in the queue so we decided to sit next to each other. Wan Qin and Louise were in front, resulting in a long line of Harry potter discussion and portraying the characters in a less than glamorous way. Behind me, Jolene was talking to Lin Lao Shi about random stuff and she(Lin Lao Shi, not Jolene!) was showing people pics of her kids. So cute. And anyway, Mikoo suddenly told me to go see who the ticketing officer was and I turned around to see the smiling face of Mdm Loe. I had to try hard not to laugh. So after another period of arm-wrestling, ogling at Wan Qin's chinchilla and comparing him with mine and Harry Potter stuff, it was finally time to go in. The stairs were very dizzying indeed, but at least we got the best seats! I saw Mdm Lim and asked her to sit with us but she said I was too noisy. Says who? I'm very quiet, okay! I know, hypocrisy. Sigh. This group of CCK Sec boys was sitting in front of us and boy were they noisy. And unfriendly too. Guys or girls, nobody waved back at us when we waved at them, hmph. The following interval before the show started was a chorus of 'SHUT UP LAH!' from them and a lot more nudging, prodding and squealing from us. Don't ask.

The show was breathtaking, especially since I haven't watched IMAX movies in ages. Since last year, I think. Mikoo got motion sickness, though. Was it really that realistic? Anyway, after the show ended we went off together, five of us including Janelle. Mikoo had to rest for awhile because of the abovementioned reasons. And I had to run far in front and tell the rapidly moving group to stop, where Mdm Lim told us to some forward. Confusing. When we finally got to explore the place, we basically visited some interesting exhibits and played some games, including this Find Four-style one with a really irritating robot girl, Moxie. Her soft toy is smarter than her, tut tut. She still won. BECAUSE OF HER TOY. And she said 'Did you really think you could win against a robot?' How insulting. Humans created robots, okay! After browsing around in the shop and buying a bottle of blue gooey squeeze candy to share, it was time to go. The bus trip was much more enjoyable, except that Janelle kept asking for more gooey stuff and that resulted in endless stickiness.

And I left my jacket on the bus. It's gone...SIGH.

P.S: Thanks to Gaogao, I'm writing a 50000 word novel thingy. Wish me luck, haha. I've done around 2000 already and it's all crap. Eek.


Monday, 3 November 2008,

Today would have been a day like any other had not some shocking news been revealed. Okay, you can say that I'm making a big deal about it, but that's how I am. Exaggerating. Heehee.

Anyway, the day started off with the usual morning routine, blah blah blah. And then up to class, blah again. There I had a nice, long bout of boredom. If you can call that nice, that is. Blegh. Oh, and not to forget signing Dolly and Mikoo's graduation yearbooks. And watching Mikoo read 'Chosen' and telling her not to destroy it, Yes, I know I get paranoid about these things sometimes. Again, nevermind. Whee. I can't believe that Mikoo would actually want to read such a 'dark' series, judging how pinkish she is and whatnot. Hehe, don't tell me it's called influence.

Oh, and a random fact here: Speaking of graduation day yearbooks, I haven't gotten mine. Mum says she'll bring me to get one soon, so it's nothing to worry about. At least, nothing except who on earth would ever want to sign it, hehe.

The rest of the day was basically a grad day ceremony rehearsal until recess, where I got lectured by Mdm Loe about considering MGS or SCGS should I not get into Nanyang. I know she meant well, but she really has the influence to dampen my confidence... I feel so horrible now and worried that I won't get into NYGH or even get 250 and below for PSLE. Oh no, oh no. I'm pathetic, am I not? I wish I could retake it, then I would've studied for the entire year and not just lazed around in the first half. I'm such a failure. Sigh. And how am I going to face up to my parents should that happen? They're just so confident that I'll get above 265 that I don't know what I'll ever do. Gah, what a dilemma. Or should I call it the shocking revelation: I might FAIL. Low self-confidence happens to be a weakness that I cannot change.

After recess, we stayed in class for half an hour while Alicia, Jojo and I SET UP a board game. Yes, we didn't even get to playing it, it was so difficult to understand. Gah. Then Mdm Loe started discussing with us about sending thanks to Miss Tan because she's leaving soon. In the end, we came up with an utterly fake note about 'undying support and commitment'. Typical. But she's a PRINCIPAL, and I don't think it's very appropriate to write what we truthfully think of her. Besides, we should all be nice and SMILEY. Heehee.

After that half hour, it was nothing but making our way to the computer lab (the whole lot of us, Jo, Alicia, Marianne, etc. got lost and started screaming because we thought we had the lab to ourselves) and that's where MORE shocking revelations unveiled themselves. Miss Lim marched into the room and told us the shocking news: Two of our teachers were leaving next year. What's more, they were Miss Lui and Miss Tang. Rather sad for some of us, but it's because they were promoted to become GEP officers, Miss Lui for English and Miss Tang for CME. Because of SL, maybe. Wow. Dolly and I had a nice chat later about how they might become like those big, burly jailers. Frightening beyond imagination, eek. Oh, and we were to make farewell cards for them as well, and I'm planning something weirder than weird. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating as usual. Whee~!

Tomorrow's IMAX Movie. Friday is the Grad Day Party and Ceremony. I shall, as usual, wear any old thing. Oh, note to self: DON'T FORGET TO LET PARENTS ACKNOWLEDGE THE SCGS-MGS THINGTHING BEFORE GETTING KILLED BY MDM LOE.

What a day.


Sunday, 2 November 2008,

Today was a rather eventful day, for not just me but also my chinchilla, Momo. She's the really cute one that I store countless pictures of on my handphone. Everyone was noticing that she's rather listless lately, so we decided to take her to Pets Republic, the pet store for a grooming trip and a check-up. It would be little Momo's first trip out of the house since she came home from the pet store when we got her. Needless to say, there was more than a little squirming and fidgeting before we could load her into our car. In the car, however, she was rather well-behaved. Perhaps it was due to all the apple treats we fed her, because we finished a half-packet by the time she reached the pet store.

Unfortunately, the pet store was not open yet when we reached it, so we had to wait. After about twenty minutes of waiting with a rather disgruntled father, I decided to go sit down in the cafe opposite the store. There were lots of books there, resulting in another half-hour spent reading before the pet store FINALLY opened. Thank goodness for books, or my father would probably have blown his top by then.

The very first thing we did in the pet store was to check Momo and see if her behaviour patterns were normal. After that, the lady at the pet store said she was going to groom Momo and that we could come back in approximately four hours, so I went for my class while my father went to have his breakfast. Later, we returned to see a much cleaner, happier, no longer pee-stained Momo. Oh, and we got some chew toys, food and treats for her, not to mention a 'ball' for her to run in. She loves that.

After picking a reluctant Percia up from her friend's Deepavali party, we made our way home. Cleanliness does wonders, for Momo stopped squirming in the backseat. Oh, and we installed everything at once and left her to chew on her new toys. Then I went downstairs and, well, started blogging. So that's basically what I call an 'eventful day'. Hehe. I'm going to watch Brave Story at ten tonight on okto, judging by the anime fanatic I am. Sure hope it's good!

It's yet another bye for now, see you all in school tomorrow~!


Saturday, 1 November 2008,

Thanks to some inspiration from yesterday, I created a new blog. Yes, this one. I'm not expecting anyone to comment or anything, but I just felt like it. Just proves all the more how temperamental I am. Anyway, today was a day like any other. Gorging on Aaheli's chocolates, reading, watching TV and going online was pretty much all I did. Oh, and not to mention busying away clearing my table for next year. What on earth am I going to do with a whole stack of P1-P6 worksheets? Keep them? Throw them away? Or recycle them? Hmm. I'll probably do with the third choice, except that I'm going to give away some PSLE revision books to a certain interested junior.

I have nothing more to say for now so it's bye, I guess. :]

P.S: I can't stop thinking about how I'll miss everyone ever so much when I leave RGPS for Nanyang. If I get in, that is. I have very low confidence.


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